Today I have started my own photography business.... WOW! I can't even express what that feels like. Many emotions are rushing over me: happy, nervous, and excited to name just a few. I have to take a deep breath and step back to thank those that made this special moment possible for me. The Estrada family, Lopez family, and all my IL family; thank you for always being willing to "smile for the camera" and for all of your support. All the special people who have touched my life in the last seven years, including Sharon Wade the toughest and smartest business woman I know. My dear friends in SC, I truly believe there was a purpose in me being there in 2008 and meeting such amazing people. Bree thank you for your friendship. Danielle Hobbs, an exceptional photographer, and all the moms that I met in SC who started their own photography business, Patricia, Theresa , Amy, and Karen. You are all an inspiration to women and mothers everywhere.
Almost done, bare with me.
I want to thank my three beautiful monstas. You are the light of my life. Finally, the best husband in the world. Thank you so much. You are my #1 inspiration. The day we got married was the second most wonderful day of my life. The first was when I asked you out ;). You are so supportive and amazing. I am super lucky.