Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Day - Chicago Area Family Photojournalist

Today is my "Happy Day" (what my kiddos refer to as birthday) and the image below is what it's all about for me....
As the years go by I find it increasingly important to be present in those special moments. The image below is one moment in time that I will forever cherish. That day wasn't a holiday nor a really memorable day. It was just an ordinary day and God was shining his miraculous light on my family. When I look at this image I am filled with love, peace and happiness. There is nothing better.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

UTTC - Chicago Area Family Photojournalist

I had the wonderful opportunity to shoot at the Ultimate Taekwondo Training Center during their promotion test. I really enjoy shooting at events. It is very challenging and fun. During this event not only did I have to be everywhere to get the shot, I had to make sure I wasn't kicked or punched too. HA!

I took some pics before the test as the kids were gathering and preparing.

I want to know how all 5 kids ended up with scissors during their rock, paper, scissors game. Is that even possible?

You can feel the excitement in the air.

The night was filled with stars.

UTTC opened in 2008 and has grown very quickly.

I think he said right back at ya.

I have never been to an event like this. A panel of judges (below) decides whether or not the students move up in their respective belts. The students perform exercises, spar and answer questions as part of their examination. Oh and they have to break boards too!

I wish there was audio for the image below. It went something like this "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"

All the students anxiously awaited their turn as the black belts went first.

The judges giving feedback.

Proud of his black belts, Master Serapio Medina.

You can feel how much heart this little guy has.

Answering questions from the judges.

You can tell all the kids worked very hard.

The judge (above) asked the student (below) if she obeys her parents. She responded "sometimes". The judge told her to drop and give him 10 push-ups. That's what I'm talking about....

Wow! Look at that kick!

Yes, he jumped over the little girl crouched at the bottom.

This student jumped over 3 kids... pretty cool!

The end of the test.

I think it's safe to say Master was proud of everyone.

UTTC is such a wonderful family run organization. I felt as though I was amongst a very tight nit community of students, teachers, and families. If I lived in Northwest Indiana I would definitely enroll my kids there. Not only are they teaching the kids the fundamentals of fighting, but they are also teaching life skills: integrity, responsibility and honor to name just a few.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sweet Sunday - Chicago Area Family Photojournalist

Nothing says the holiday's like Christmas cookies. Especially when they are for others. We spent all of Sunday in the kitchen cooking.
Correction: I spent all of Sunday in the kitchen cooking, the kids did a lot of "taste testing".

The kids creations:

J didn't get very far frosting his before he started eating it.

We made 61 cookies not counting the dozen or so the kids ate.

These went to the teachers at M's school.

We also made chocolate covered pretzels.

Sprinkled with crushed candy canes.

106+ pretzels, I stopped counting because the kids started eating.

It was a very Sweet Sunday.