Sunday, January 30, 2011

Assignment #3 - Chicago Area Photographer

Assignment #3: You are on assignment in any of the following scenarios so your photo must appeal to your 'client'. That means be creative! Submit 3 images.

The scenario I choose was shooting a portrait using the flash remotely to create a dramatic image. I needed a subject that would sit for longer than 5 min so I elicited the help of my teenage niece. I've taken hundreds of pretty portraits of her, this time I wanted to do something a lil different. I decided that she wasn't going to be my client, instead my client would be an agency that helps troubled teens and they wanted a few shots for an ad. I instructed my niece to wear all black and not to smile for the camera. Since she is far from a troubled teen it was really hard for her not to smile :) but she got in touch with her inner most drama queen and helped me out.

Our instructor hasn't reviewed our assignment as of yet. But I received a lot of positive comments from my peers for the image below.

I didn't submit this one but I thought it said tough girl.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Still Life and Penguins - Chicago Area Photographer

Assignment #2: Photograph someone who is back lit by the sun and you use fill flash. Or create a nice still life setup, use different flash techniques in combination with ambient window light to produce the best lighting for your subject. Use your imagination, have fun and submit 3 images.

I decided to have lots of fun with this assignment and took it as a challenge to "use my imagination". It paid off because the instructor had fantastic reviews his comments included: "very cool," "very graphic," "love it," "perfect," and my personal favorite "I have no suggestions for improvement." My instructor, Charlie has 25 yrs experience. His photographs have appeared in National Geographic, Wall Street Journal, and Newsweek. Not to mention one of his clients include Nike. So I was beyond thrilled to hear such awesome reviews.

Image #1: What do you think this is?

Answer: Cheese grater. I put a black cloth underneath it and a pink cloth behind it so that the metal would reflect this beautiful color.

Image #2: You get a second chance, what is this?

Answer: an apple cutter. The shape reminded me of the sun I long for, so I put a yellow cloth underneath it.

Image #3: This is a give away.... who says there aren't any penguins in Chicago?

Here are some of the out takes:

A different angle on the cheese grater.

Everyone wanted a turn in the penguin suit.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Homework - Chicago Area Photographer

In my never ending quest to master the art of photograph; I decided to take a 4 week course. My next few blogs will consist of my homework assignments.

First assignment: Using an external flash mounted to the camera, shoot a police style mug shot against the wall. Find or create a criminal looking person and include a number card. And/or be a paparazzi photographer for a day and have someone appear to be famous and you are capturing him/her with flash. Submit three images.

The first three are the ones I submitted.

Cow girl rock star:

The rest wanted to be criminals... go figure!

I love how my family gets involved in everything I do...

The girls gave daddy a mustache to make him look more like a criminal. M did one side, R did the other- to avoid any fighting. What an awesome finished product!

AKA: Daddy

My criminal looking family! So glad I have models who will work for food! HA!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year... Again - Chicago Area Photographer

I wasn't going to do my New Year post since I'm technically late but I'm starting my New Year over. One of my friends said every day should be new year and that got me thinking why not... it symbolizes starting over, a new beginning, a re-do if you will and I like that. So 5...4...3...2...1 Happy New Year! Here is my New Year themed post.

On New Year's Eve night, as my family talked about what our resolutions and hopes for the New Year were, I snapped these.

Hopes for a new addition to the family...

My family having fun with me.

My hope: renewed strength... interestingly enough it has already been granted.