On this beautiful afternoon, I took several shots of the sunset. I'd like to say that I was just sitting there watching the sun go down, taking the awe-inspiring view in, but this was not the case. I was actually running after my little ones who were on their bikes. I would stop every now and then, compose the shot, click and then run, in between screaming:
"STOP at the corner."
I didn't know if I had captured anything at all. A sunset, is a sunset, is a sunset as I thumbed through all of the images. Then I saw myself.... my profile... ME! I am looking left towards the little bit of light in the corner.
There I am.I am finding myself again. No longer lost in the mountain of laundry, nor behind the fog of baby powder. Not drowning in a sea of bottles, nor blown away in a tornado of moving, yet again. Sure, I have no doubt that I will have to put my mug on a milk carton every now and again. But slowly I see me emerging. Every day more and more I am coming to realize that I don't have to live my life just for my children and husband.
It's okay to live my life for me, at least sometimes.
"I'm going to take one more picture then we can cross the street together."