Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Princess - First Communion Photography

What a blessed weekend we had around here!  My oldest made her First Communion, it was such a wonderful day!  They told us at practice that no photography was to be allowed during the ceremony.  I was surprised and disappointed at first.  In the end, I was able to be in the moment and really enjoy the ceremony. 

So proud of my little princess. 

When we went shopping for the dress she tried on about 10.  She ended up picking the simplest one.  I was trying to point her to another dress that had more decor and a few ruffles.  She clearly said "no".  I finally asked her why she wanted that one she said that she didn't like the dresses that were "too busy".  She said, she was like me, just wanted something nice and simple. 

Full of joy... just skipping along. 

I asked her, if she knew that she was so beautiful.  She replied "Yes, I do." I looked at her kind of surprised.  So I said, "You do?" She replied, "Yes Mama, I know because you tell me all the time."  :)

During the ceremony I couldn't get through this blessing.  I could no longer hold the tears back.

Loving God in heaven, here are our children.  We give them to you.  Reach out and touch them with your love.  Help them to know themselves and enjoy the person you created them to be.  Help them to use their gifts to serve you.  Help them most of all to love you above all things.  May we always remember the joy and love of this day and ask your guidance in the sometimes difficult task of forming your children.  We ask this through Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Newlyweds - Chicago Area Photojournalist

Okay, so we aren't newlyweds but it sure does feel like it.  ;)  We had a pretty amazing time doing absolutely nothing but enjoying each others company.  Many people we encountered on our journey asked us if we were newlyweds.  The shock on their faces when we told them we've been married for ten years... then the greater shock when we said we had 3 kiddos...  priceless.   

This was the beautiful resort, it was on an island off of the Dominican Republic.  The resort was the only thing on the island.  We stayed in a private villa. It was very romantic and perfect for us "newlyweds". 


I love this picture of my strong, handsome hubby. 

A banana tree right outside our villa.  How cool!? We wished our kiddos could see where bananas grow, they would have loved it. 

Just having fun and laughing together.

I must be insane for posting a pic of myself in a bathing suit.  I rarely post pictures of myself at all.  Now I am posting a pic of myself in a bathing suit?! A two piece no less?! I am not at my goal weight, nor am I the size I would like to be. But do you know what I am?  I am happy with the way I look.  I look at myself and smile.  No more self hatred or critical eye zooming in on every imperfection.  It took me a long time to get to this point.  It's been three and a half years since my youngest child... scratch that it has been 8 years since my first pregnancy at which point my self image had changed.  I have been working hard daily to look and feel good about myself.  I am beautiful because I have decided that is what I want to be and that is how I will view myself. 

Perfect little details in our room.  A towel shaped in a heart.  The cleaning staff always left us some little personal touch, it was so thoughtful. 

This past weekend we had a family event and just yesterday an extended family member text me: "You and your hubby look so happy together... your children looked happy too... I enjoyed your happiness."  Things aren't perfect and we've had/continue to have, our fair share of ups and downs but we are definitely now in the honeymoon stage of our marriage.  Sounds funny and almost unreal that after 10 years we are now in the honeymoon stage.  In life and love there are infinite possibilities. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

E's 1st Communion Session - Chicago Area Photographer

Two very special girls, close to my heart are making their communion in the next few weeks.  One is my beautiful niece.  It was great spending time with her.  We had so much fun!


E, you are a smart, beautiful, loving little girl. You are a field of infinite possibilities. 

Stay tuned next week for some images from our trip. 
Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Familia V - Chicago Area Family Photographer

What a wonderful honeymoon! I will post some images as soon as I get caught up :D

When I was asked to do the session, I was informed that the grandparents were headed to Mexico with no return date planned.  Nothing was going to stop this session.  This family was determined to capture this moment, today.  After a mix up in location and a bit of a delayed start on session day, here is familia V.

This was the very first test shot.  It was cold, windy with off and on drizzle.  It was a little tough to part with sweaters. 


Hello baby, it's nice to meet you! I met you before you were born, here.
It was nice to be welcomed by this kiddo's smile.  He was almost saying, "Do you remember me?" Of course I remember you sweetie, you are a big brother now. 
I think the cousins are trying to hook ^ up with a girlfriend.  Or maybe they were just being cousins and trying to embarrass him.  Either way here is another shot of this handsome guy. 
so many cute kiddos!
This handsome kid couldn't keep his eyes open.
After many attempts... success!
I don't think he ^ was ready for this shot but I love how natural he looks.  I bet he laughs a lot. 
This stunning young girl contacted me for the session.  Thank you M, it was a pleasure to work with your family!

At one point abuelito had tears in his eyes.  Maybe it was the wind or maybe it was the overflowing of pride in his heart.