Tuesday, June 25, 2013

babY J 9 month session - Chicago Area baby photographer

We had a great outdoor session! This was the first outdoor session with this little cutie and his beautiful mommy and daddy.  The location was perfect and the weather was lovely.  The brightly colored clothes that mommy picked just make them pop right out of the images, wonderful!

This may not have been my initial plan when we talked about a 9 month session nor was this the optimal time of day for a session.  I find that when I roll with it, things come out even better than I had envisioned.  Sometimes things work out just the way they are suppose to, when I don't fight the "plan" even if it wasn't my "plan" it all comes out perfect. 

Up, up and away.... the 1 year milestone is on the horizon.  :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mommy and me - Chicago Area Family Photographer

This mommy and little one are very close to my heart.  I have been photographing them since she was a little itty bitty.  My photography has grown with princess E.  I will always be thankful to them for allowing me to grow and believing in me. 

Until we see each other again, blessings!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Who Am I - Chicago Area Photographer


"Who Am I?" I'm not talking about photographer, mother, wife, sister or daughter.  These are all roles and jobs that I fill.  I am talking about who am I when all those labels are gone.  When I peel away at the layers of who others tell me I am and who I think I am, who am I really?  What is left?  This is a HUGE question and currently I feel the weight of it on my journey. 

With every question lies an answer.  Every day I am getting closer and closer to the answer. 

I cut my hair this week.  I've convinced myself and I have allowed others to convince me for a long time that my hair shouldn't be short.  Sounds a little ridiculous right?  But it's true.  The morning of my hair appointment that negative voice in my head was trying to convince me that it was a bad idea.  I had to purposefully hush it and change the channel.  Where was the voice coming from?  Fear.  I had become attached to my hair and I wore fear like a cute little hair clip at the top.  It felt so good to release that hair clip.  It was tight, like when you've been wearing a tight pony tail all day and you finally let the rubber band go at the end of the day.  It felt so good to consciously release the fear. 

Who Am I?  I am letting go of fear and with every passing day the answer becomes clearer and clearer.   


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gender Announcement - Chicago Area Maternity Photographer


Is the baby a girl or a boy?  Drum roll please.......

Congratulations G Family! 
What a beautiful Mommy!

When I am working with two little cuties (ages 2 and 3) telling them to stand there and smile never works for me.  Instead I like to play games with them.  Here we were playing peekaboo.  It couldn't get much better than this :)
M is counting the flowers for me.  Look at that smile!
I've known A&J since college. They are college sweethearts. It's beautiful to see their love and family grow. 
The G family is one of the very first families I ever photographed.  I am grateful that they gave me another shot.  Thank you G family!