Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Journey of Friendship - Grayslake Photographer and Journalist

On this journey of life I've realized that friendship is no different, it is a journey.  Sometimes the journey is short and other times the journey lasts a lifetime.  It can be fun filled with laughter and dancing.  It can be spiritual and moving.  Sometimes it is just about the journey itself.  I try to look down the path and avoid dead ends, road blocks or getting lost.  Friendship can take a sudden left turn, if you are not holding on tight you can fall off.  Maybe it was time to fall off and let go.  Other times your friend is the designated driver telling you to buckle up she has your back.  She pulls over so you can have some air and breathe.  On every journey I take my GPS, I hold on to it tightly.  Very rarely do I turn it off.  When I have turned off my GPS it's because I'm confident that this is the journey that I want to be on it doesn't matter where it ends.

Girls weekend 2014

The best thing about a girls weekend is getting to know each other even better.  I got to learn more about the beautiful woman on your left and I have a deeper respect for the person she is.  Despite the fact that she turned the fan on while I was sleeping on the top bunk! ;)

Just having FUN!

A good friend always makes sure you are in at least one pic.  Thanks, LA!

Looking forward to the next journey. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Headstand - Grayslake Photographer and Journalist

Last week almost every night I had a dream that I lost something or it was taken from me.  First it was my phone, my purse, then my car and even one of my kiddos.  I realized that it was my Ego fighting back after I called it out.  I brought awareness of my Ego not just with Yoga but a few other things during the week.  Awareness of that internal voice brings me a new sense of who I really am. 

My Ego has formed throughout my whole life.  It is a distorted reflection of who the world says I should be, who I present to others and who I have convinced myself I am.  I am oversimplifying the word Ego... I know.  My point is it's not the devil or Satan.  A dear friend brought it to my attention that others would call this voice as such.  No, for many reasons I don't see it this way.  I don't see my world as a struggle between good and evil.  I see it as a struggle to reveal who I really am... of God... love. 

I took my struggle back to the Yoga studio.  Monday the kids were off from school so I went this morning.  A different instructor led the class and even had us facing our mats a whole different direction. 


I didn't go in feeling as intimidated. Well that is until she had us do headstands.


I was probably one of the youngest students in the class. I looked around watching these older, beautiful women bow against the wall with their forearms pressed on the floor and slowly lift their legs in the air.  They looked pretty amazing. 

Exhale... oh wait I forgot to Inhale first...

The instructor helped me out with something to start.  I put my palms on the ground and walked my feet up on the wall only a few inches higher than where my butt was in relation to the wall (not very far up the wall).  It was tough, my whole body was shaking (this is starting to become a familiar feeling) then I released. 

Don't forget to breathe. 

Anna, the instructor says; "I have one more pose.  This is where you check your Ego at the door."  That can't be good, I think.  I had to check my Ego at the door when I walked in to the place. 

Gasp in...

Her legs start spreading slowly apart, SPLITS!

Wail out...

I set this flower up for simple outdoor shot.  Then I noticed...
It had two shadows.  One shadow distorted by a window that was acting like a mirror.

One day I will post a picture of my headstand. 
Just don't hold your breath, it may take a while.  ;)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Yoga Effect - Grayslake Photographer and Journalist

This week I tried my first Yoga class.  I've always wanted to take a Yoga class.  It was not what I expected.  Breathing and stretching, how hard could it be? I thought.  Well it was very challenging. 

In boot camp style classes I've taken the instructor is barking out a command, the up beat motivational music is in the background,  the stomping of feet/quick movements.  Although these classes are brutal I never hesitated to go back.  Even when I had an instructor taunt me that it was too tough- "I wasn't coming back", he said.  Made me want to go back even more. 

In comparison, the Yoga instructor didn't speak above a whisper.  The music was very low and soothing in the background.  There were long periods of stillness and silence as she asked us to move with intention and purpose.  I found the voice in my head saying; "You can't do that stretch.  Your body can't do that.  You can't hold this pose any longer.  When is this class going to end, you can't finish it."  At the same time my muscles started shaking as my mind started to convince my body.  I barely finished the class.

The woman behind me must of have sensed the defeat I felt inside.  She asked me, "What did you think?"  I told her, "It was a lot tougher than I thought." She replied, "You did very well.  I thought you held your own."  I smiled at her and thanked her for her encouraging words. 

In the car I found myself saying, "You don't want to go back, do you?"

It's harder to overcome the negative voices within rather than those that come from outside.  Being aware of them is half the battle.  Being conscience that my Ego is afraid to fail makes me stronger. 

Ego, be ready for another battle next Monday. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year! - Grayslake

I've missed a few weeks of blogging but I have enjoyed quality family time during the Holidays.  2013 was such a turning point for me.  I can identify events, people and changes within that made it a pivotal year in my life. 

Took me a while to realize that I don't need to - "find myself".  I was never lost.  I don't need to search for God, she has never left me.  In my journey I did find something else...  silence.  A silence and stillness that makes the world so clear and full.  I will continue to be still and silent. 

With excitement, I am ready for 2014.  The 34th year of my life.  I will say YES more often.  YES to the world as things come my way and YES to myself.  I am going to try new things and embrace them.  YES!

  My destiny is JOY!