Monday, April 23, 2012

A Life Lesson - Chicago Area Photojournalist

After almost a decade of being asked, I finally went shooting with my hubby.  I prefer shooting with a camera so the thought of handling a gun, was WAY out of my comfort zone.  I was very nervous about our date night activity but decided to have fun with it.  I got in my cowgirl boots and shirt, said "Yeehaw" a few times and while shaking in my boots was ready to take a deep breath and give it a try. 

To my surprise (and to my hubby's big surprise) I was actually good at it.  I hit the target in the red almost every time.  He was so proud telling me, "WOW! I can't believe how good you are." He also confessed that he expected me to hit the ceiling and floor a few times.  I'm proud to report I did neither. 

Then the gun went off BANG... What else have I been afraid to try? BANG...What else have I been putting off and avoiding to attempt?  BANG...What else could I be good at if only I put my fears aside, have fun and give it my best shot?


I took this last one with my phone.  I am going to print this one and put it on my bathroom mirror so I am reminded daily of the life lesson I learned on our adventurous date night.