Monday, May 14, 2012

You Are A Good Mother - Chicago Area Photojournalist

Recently, I read a blog about how mother's are missing out on their children's childhood because we are distracted by our handheld devices and not engaged in what really matters.  Right after reading it I felt... horrible and guilty.  I started analyzing my every day and asking myself if I am choosing to spend my moments wisely.  Do I listen to my children or am I not really in the moment? 

After a day or two of this self deprecating, I'm a bad mother feeling I started to ask different questions.  I wonder if mother's through out history have been told the same thing, "Don't listen to the radio too much because then you aren't listening to your children."  After a television could be found in every home across the country were mom's being told, "TV is the devil.  You can't watch TV and be a good mother." With every forward movement in technology why do we feel the need to remind mother's what is important? 

Motherhood is a tough job in itself with out someone telling you that you could do better.  We all want to be good mothers.  Some days I'm totally off the mark and that's okay, it doesn't mean that I can't try again.  I am a good mother.  You are a good mother.  We all want the best for our children, stay encouraged.