Monday, June 25, 2012

The Fence - Chicago Area Photojournalist

I took the kiddos to pick some strawberries.  I figured our strawberries were going to take a while. 

They were small but very sweet!

We had fun.  The kids saw some green beans and picked those too.  I think they were more excited about the beans than the strawberries... go figure!

Guess what finally arrived?

The electric fence is up and our garden is thriving.  It still makes me kind of nervous.   

Look at what I spotted?  Yahoo! Maybe we will have strawberries after all. 

Our little garden is thriving this summer.  No coincidence, I feel like my home is thriving too. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

MOMS Club - Chicago Area Family Photojournalist

Last week, I was very excited and nervous to be asked to give a presentation to the MOMS Club of Grayslake. 

I haven't given a presentation in years.  At one point in my life (seems like a different lifetime) I went around the country giving presentations.  I was actually good at. 

It felt great to prepare a presentation, sure I was interrupted at least 10 times, but it still felt great.  I am so grateful for the opportunity. 

After talking to the group about my journey into photography and giving a few every day photography tips I took these shots...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Time - Chicago Area Family Photojournalist

There are 72 days of summer left.  After waiting in the doctors office last week for potentially bad news, I decided that I was going to do everything I could to make this the best summer ever for my kids.  What if we don't get another summer?  Crazy things always come to my mind, when a concern about health arises.  My biggest fear is not to be here and watch my children grow up. 

Then the doctor said..."maybe it's acid reflux."  HA! I'll take that any day.

I've decided to go ahead with my promise to make this the best summer so far.  You know why?  We will never get another summer like this.  My kiddos will never be 2, 4, and 6 again.  I will never be a young 32 again ;)

This is the summer the Lord has made. We will be glad at the pool, park and library... and rejoice in it.

One of our first adventures this summer was checking out the Museum of Science and Industry.

My check list before we leave the house:
band aides (mostly for the boy)

I keep telling myself: my spirited child (above) will reach great heights in her life as long as I keep channeling that spirit in the right direction. 

M takes on such a motherly role with her brother and sister.  I just want her to enjoy herself and be a kid. 

Yesterday J put his socks on all by himself! WHOOT WHOOT!  When they are babies it's so hard to just get up and go.  It's even harder to enjoy an outing because of diapers, bottles and naps.  In the moment the baby years seem as if they will never end.  Now that J can put his own socks on, it's official he isn't a baby any more :)

I have lots of fun things planned this summer.  I am exhausted even thinking about them. 

Garden update: The above picture was this weekends harvest.  Harry is doing a great job! We haven't had any strawberries yet.  The strawberries are green right now but still on the plant.  There has been a delay on the electric fence.  Only half of it was shipped from the company.  "This is a sign," I tell my hubby.  "That morons work there," he replies. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

WHO? - Chicago Area Photojournalist

The strawberry saga continues....

My problem solver (aka hubby) bought an owl statue to ward off any little thieves.  I thought this was a little strange, an owl? But sure enough all is quiet around the garden.  The birds even stay away. The birdies do come to check out the new addition to the family but they don't stay too long.

In ancient Greek Mythology, Athene, the Goddess of Wisdom made the owl her favorite creature.  Since the owl was often seen as a symbol of Athene, the owl was a protector, Greek armies would bring them to war.  If an Owl flew over Greek soldiers before a battle they would take it as a sign of victory. 

We have fun shouting, "WHOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOO" out of the window during our, who sounds more like an owl competitions. 

So far our Owl, we've affectionately named Harry, is doing a good job protecting our strawberry plant.  We haven't harvested any yet, but looks like they will be ready soon.    

I pray that I am a lot like Harry protecting my three little plants at home until they are ready for harvest. 

P.S.  The electric fence is on back order.  SMH (Shaking my head).....