Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Grayslake - Photographer and Writer

When we moved here almost 3 years ago, I was sad and depressed.  We lived in Columbia, SC where I had a wonderful network of friends and the weather was perfect.  Although it was a decision that my husband and I made together I was resentful, unhappy and just stuck.  Then I heard it, I'm not sure where I heard it first but it has never left me since.  I hear it almost every day now. 

Bloom where you are planted. 


Not just geographically but in every way you can think of.  Bloom where you are plantedIn other words I had to make the choice to be happy with my life.  I do decide to be happy.  It's a choice that I consciously make every day until it becomes automatic.  Some days are easier than others.  We are in the depths of another cold spell.  Motherhood can be a thankless and lonely job, if I let it be.   

Bloom where you are planted.  

Bloom where you are planted
My friends help me bloom where I am planted.  It took me a while to open myself up to friends after leaving so many in Columbia.  Recently, I read how your social network can be more influential than your spouse.  Emphasizing how important it is to surround yourself with good people.  I like to think I help my friends bloom where they are planted too.

Grayslake is a great place to bloom where I am planted.  I encourage you to bloom where you are planted

*The beautiful pillow in these images are designed and created by my talented friend Kim Gaskill.  Visit her Etsy shop Pillow TalkCity where she has more designs or you can custom order. 

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