Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Yoga Impact - Grayslake Photographer and Journalist

My Yoga passes are up.  I've completed 6 classes today.  It's time to decide if I want to commit to more. 

I know I am improving and getting stronger.  I can't stand on my head yet but I if I continue to challenge myself I will be able to, one day.

I am not afraid to fail. 

Yoga has helped me look within myself and I really like what I see. 

Going beyond the benefits I feel physically and spiritually, my family gets a better me. 

"With every day that passes I feel closer and more connected to you.  I feel like we just met and still have that giddy excitement of new love.  I can't wait to see you, talk to you, hold you, laugh with you..." This is a part of the message my husband wrote in my Valentine's Day card.  He reminded me that it was 11 years to the day that I said, "Yes". 

It is no coincidence that while I am getting stronger our relationship has reached another level. 

I heard the birds chirping for the first time this year, yesterday.  I saw the first buds that soon will be leaves.  Slowly the snow is starting to melt.  Change is in the air.  With excitement I welcome the change. 


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