Sunday, July 24, 2011

GREEN - Chicago Area Photojournalist

I'll take green things that we eat for 1,000, Alex....

About 25% of its volume is air. That's why when fresh they float on water.

What is an apple?

Surprisingly this is a member of the carrot family and is used to treat nausea.

What is cilantro?

Of the seven continents in the world, except for one continent, Antarctica, all other six continents cultivate this delicious fruit.

What are grapes?

In 1893 the U.S. Supreme Court declared that this was a vegetable. Even though botanically because it's a flowering plant and has seeds it is a fruit.

What is a tomato?

Some believe that massaging the scalp with a few drops from this fruit prevents hair from falling.

What is a lime?

In the United States this is the second most popular vegetable.

What is lettuce?

This breakfast cereal was introduced in 1963 and the original character used to promote it was "Toucan Sam".

What are Fruit Loops?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Reflection - Chicago Area Photojournalist

I had another blog prepared for today, but it didn't reflect what I was thinking. Instead I'm presenting you with one image that is true to my state of mind right now. As I reflect on where I've been and where I'm going with my photography, I am excited as to the opportunities beyond the horizon.

I shoot mostly for myself, and right now I am happy with that. As a wife and a SAHM of three, there is little that I have or do for myself. This is my one outlet for expression and creativity, I shall hold nothing back. I will take risks and stretch my creative limits as far as they will go... why not? I am my own boss in my photo world. I have only to answer to my high expectations.

Thank you again for joining me. I hope you check back once a week to see where our journey takes us.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Milestones - Chicago Area Photographer

This month I am celebrating for two reasons. 1) My gift from God, Baby J turns 2. 2) I have been blogging for 1 yr, that's 52 Sunday night posts.

Since I am celebrating 1 yr of Sunday night blogs I have decided to change it up a bit. Starting next week I will move my blog to Monday nights. Look for my first Monday night blog July 18th.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for checking out my blog. :) It's been a fun year of learning and adventure for me. Thank you for accompanying me on my photo journey. I am excited to see where the 2nd yr takes us.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Time = Family Time - Chicago Area Family Photojournalist

Extended family from TX came into town and we had a Luau Mexican style.

With lots of yummy food.

Did I mention the food?

My serious cuz...

I like this one much better :)

My beautiful cuz.

Thanks for coming by to visit. We hope to see you again soon!