Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rainbow - Grayslake Photographer and Writer

"Look, I see the end of the rainbow.  It's behind that house.  Let's go." my youngest said with much excitement.
I began to explain how there was no end to the rainbow, it actually makes a full circle but we can't see the rest and what we can see is an optical illusion.  When we get to what you think is the end, the rainbow will move.  We will see it some where else, if we can still see it at all.
I could tell his 6 year old mind was trying to make sense of what I just said.
"How can it not be real?" he looked out the window questioning.

The rainbow is a beautiful illusion it symbolizes hope.  We've all heard the saying, "The rainbow comes after the storm."

If we chased the rainbow we would be chasing something forever that doesn't really exist.  Thank goodness for science that can explain how the reflection of light in rain results with a beautiful rainbow.  Scientist know that these colors already exist in the rays of the sun but we can't see them until the rain reflects the light and a rainbow appears.

I've learned a lot about the illusions I cling to without realizing that they are illusions.
Illusions of who I am and who I want others to think I am.  This is partly why I've stopped blogging or posting on FB so much.  I want to tap into my true self not some illusion of who I want everyone to think I am every week.

It's hard to see our own illusions.  We have to be the scientists of our minds and hearts. Uncovering our true self so that we can fill the world with our inner amazing colors.