Thursday, April 30, 2015

Capturing The Sky - Family Photographer

I've been learning photography for almost 5 years now.  Last year I noticed that I came up with way too many blank white skies in my finished images.  This year I'm actively going to attempt to capture the natural detail of they sky in my finished images.  There are actions (plug ins) you can purchase of puffy, perfect beautiful clouds.  You add these in during the editing process.  I've considered purchasing these but haven't yet.  This time, I captured the image with different exposures.  Under and over exposing to capture the detailed sky.  It's rather difficult to capture a detailed sky when you are correctly exposing your subject.  Often the sky is over exposed and whites out.  To capture a detailed sky you have to under expose (darken, almost black out) your subject and measure the light according to they sky which is often very bright.  Then you merge the over exposed and under exposed images in Photoshop. That's what I did to get the image that I wanted below.

I'm going to challenge myself to capture a detailed sky with every outdoor session this year.  This is going to come with difficulty at first.  There are a lot of things to consider and my nephew below was very patient with me (okay... kinda patient with me).  I'm sure I'll make mistakes and it will take practice to do this quickly during a session.  This challenge will allow me to continue to learn and grow as a photographer.

Say cheese you beautiful sky... here I come :)

Image on the left is over exposed sky to get the details of the grass (I wanted a silhouette effect on my subject so he is under exposed).  Image on the right is way under exposed grass and trees, correctly exposing to the sky.  Image in the middle is the merged image (same as the one above).

Enjoy more communion pics of my handsome nephew.

Spring is right around the corner if you would like your own personalized outdoor family session, including an attempt at capturing the beautiful sky above you contact me at:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Communion - Grayslake Photographer

Our little girl received her First Holy Communion last weekend.  My faith has evolved from when I was in second grade and I find it difficult as a parent to pass that down to my children.  It's challenging not to pass down beliefs as truths.  Everyone has their own spiritual truths.  I hope that we are setting a good foundation for them to joyfully explore theirs.  

I often don't have all the answers they search for.  
"If God made the universe, who made God?"
I actually rarely have the answers they seek.  

I want them to know that the answers they seek are to be found inward.  
They just need to seek and they will find.  

Above all I want to show them this by example:
"This is my simple religion.  There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.  Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Riding The Wave - Grayslake Photographer and Writer

This week we celebrated our 12 year anniversary.  The storyboard below contains an image captured during that year of marriage (I included our most recent pic so there are 13 images).

This week I had also been listening to a talk by D. Bowling a lawyer and mediator for the US District Court for Northern California, author of "Bringing Peace Into the Room".  I finally finished listening to the whole talk this morning.
I am paraphrasing:

   Life is a deep paradox.  Everything we know has an opposite.  That is why life has its up and downs you can't have the ups without the downs.  In the ups we feel connected, filled with awe and love.  In the downs we feel disconnected, separate, and lost.  It is in the space of loss and disconnect that we lose our presence and negative thoughts arise.  We often get stuck here in our relationships.  'Why didn't they do this or that.'  'Don't they know how important I am.' ... we lose connection.  
Instead what we must do is to hold both the ups and the downs, that is how we are able to sustain our connection over time.  Being able to see disconnect and awe as the same wave.  The paradox is, the flow of life, that is the way life is up and down.    When we ride the wave of connection and awe; disconnection and separation without resistance or clinging to either one we are able to allow the great wonders of life to happen.  

He ends the talk with this:

     There were several low points in my life.  One of the lowest points where I felt completely disconnected was when I had lost my marriage of 25 years and I had gotten my dream job but it was totally not what I had expected.  My friend asked me to go to this conference with him.  I could barely get out of bed let alone jump on a plane to go to a conference.  I told him NO.  He insisted and I insisted that I wasn't going.  Then a plane ticket appeared in the mail.  I got on this small plane realizing that most of the people on the plane were headed to the same conference.  On the plane in the seat right in front of me I heard the most mesmerizing voice I had ever heard.  A few years later she became my wife and she is the reason why I do what I do.  

It's been a wonderful ride thus far.... here's to riding out more ups and downs together allowing life's great wonders to happen!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Perseverance - Grayslake Photographer and Writer

It takes some amount of perseverance to achieve anything.  It is especially important when you make a change in your life like; becoming more physically active with a new exercise routine, changing eating habits, a daily spiritual practice like meditation, changing careers, starting a business, writing a book, learning a new skill, educational goals and the list goes on and on.

Perseverance is defined as continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure or opposition.  

  "Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th." - J. Andrews

Perseverance is why we get back up when we fall.

Perseverance is faith that the third day will come. 

Get back up.   

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Break - Grayslake Family Photographer

We had a wonderful spring break! It was filled with peace, joy and love.
We kept it simple and did the things we enjoy most.  Spending quality time with wonderful friends and exploring this magnificent land.
No detailed itinerary for each days activities/stops.  We just went with what the day brought.  Every day was perfect.

In South Carolina the Cox family were exceptional hosts.   

Thank you Cox family for such a joy filled and happy time with you.   

 "I like your accent." 
"I don't have an accent, you have an accent." 

"Look at what the girls did to the puppy!" 

When I met this special lady I was in desperate need for a friendly smile.  I just had my second child far away from family and felt alone (hubby had long Army hours).  She came into my life like a beacon of light, saying you are not alone.  I will never forget the loving kindness we shared during those difficult years of new motherhood round two.  We continue to share a special friendship!
I love you!

That's us having a great time!

"I didn't know I wasn't suppose to play in the mud."

 I can't tell you how big my heart would get to see our children playing together.  Something that I thought I may not get to see because of distance.  

The second part of our trip brought us to the serenity of Ohio.
Where the state motto is: "With God All Things Are Possible"

The morning mist throughout the State Park was pretty amazing.

We hiked 2 miles up and down paths, some were muddy and icy.  The kids did great!

I love this image above.  I could barely see them through the foggy mist when I took it.
Unfortunately this image doesn't capture how awe-inspiring it really felt to be there at that time.
But when I see it I can recall that moment, watching the mist surround them.

It's hard to tell from this image above how huge this cave is.  If you look close at the center there are three black sticks spread apart, those are the steps that lead you up into the cave.  

My oldest requested a silhouette picture she could take to school and show her art teacher.  

The kids are great about asking to take a picture of me so that I can be in a few.  
They are getting good at it.  

There was only one couple hiking by when we were at this spot.  
I am so glad I asked if they could take a picture of us. 
Our one family image during this part of the journey.  
It holds remarkable value for us.  Thank you couple hiking! 

The end of this beautiful journey.  So many more to come! 
"With God All Things Are Possible."