Monday, July 23, 2012

Family S - Chicago Area Family Photographer

This was such a beautiful location for pictures.  I had never been there before and it's only a few minutes from our neighborhood.  The weather was perfect this morning, not too hot with a cool breeze.  Plus a nice family.  What else could I ask for? 

Enjoy your sneak peak Family S.   

Monday, July 16, 2012

grand KIDS - chicago area family photojournalist

This has been my most challenging session thus far.  It was great! I do love a challenge. 

That's 9 kiddos ages 3-13.  These kids were so much fun.  Each one with a very different personality. 
The youngest, C, HATES to take pictures.  Good thing I wasn't told this until the day of the shoot,  I probably would have had nightmares.

These grandparent sessions are really special.  I can feel how excited they are to have images with their grand kids.  Not to mention they thanked me a million times.  Such a sweet couple. 


(above image) By the middle of our shoot C wasn't covering his face any more, he just wasn't looking at the camera. Progress.

I love the image above... kids being kids...

C is looking at the camera and there is almost a smile! WHOOT! WHOOT!
In all honesty he did smile in the last image I took.  I encouraged mom to take a picture with her kids and it was the last images I shot.  I will save that one for her. 

Familia "A" - muchisimas gracias!  What a beautiful family.

Monday, July 9, 2012

My Big Boy - Chicago Area Family Photojournalist

My big boy turns 3 years old today.  When I found out I was pregnant a third time, I sobbed.  I thought we were done with two.  I wasn't expecting a third child.  God had other plans.  J has been such a blessing to us.  Now our little family is complete. 

At 3, J talks non stop.  He loves to sing and often surprises us with memorizing songs on the radio.  His favorite song, "We Are Young." I often find myself saying things I never thought I would say like, "How many times have I told you not to put your guns on the counter."  Before I had children I always said my kids wouldn't play with toy guns.  Well that certainly has changed.  He says he is going to be solider or police officer.  Even though that makes me nervous, I know it's in his blood. 

God, I pray that you continue to watch over my little boy.  Thank you for choosing me to be his mama.  Please guide me in doing right by him.  Keep him safe and healthy.  Amen.


Monday, July 2, 2012

1st Birthday - Chicago Area Photojournalist

When your baby turns one, it is definitely a big milestone.  For me, the first year was by far the most challenging.  When each of my babies turned one I remember feeling like this, "YAHOO! We made it!" 

You never get to have: your baby is turning one again.  It is so important to capture this moment in time. 

Happy 1st birthday little sister K!