Thursday, January 7, 2016

Meditation - Grayslake Photographer and Writer

Meditation as defined by the dictionary is the act or process of spending time in quiet thought.
Here is another point of view from Yoga International; "Meditation is a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state.  It is the means for fathoming all levels of ourselves and finally experiencing the center of consciousness within.  Meditation is not a part of any religion; it is a science..."
We have always been taught to examine and verify the world around us.  No one has taught us to look within examine and verify.  If we don't understand ourselves how can we expect relationships with others to work?
There are many ways to meditate.  I've just started learning a few.  I enjoy being still and quiet.  Sometimes I stop my thoughts and focus on my breath.  Other times I notice my thoughts like a third party observer.  There is no wrong or right way to meditate.

This year I have committed to doing Metta or loving-kindness meditation every day.
I take a few breaths to slow down, clear and calm my mind. I imagine the breath is moving through the center of my chest into my heart.  First I practice towards myself, mentally repeating these phrases: may I be happy, may I be well, may I be safe, may I be peaceful and at ease.  After a period of time, I bring to mind an acquaintance.  This person is someone I don't know very well for example the cashier at the grocery store, a fellow student in Yoga or Zumba class, or the mail lady.  I repeat the phrases with this person in mind.  After awhile, I bring to mind someone close to me whom I love.  There are so many people in this category I'm glad I have 365 days.  I mentally repeat the phrases while imaging the person smiling.  Finally, there is one last category known as the difficult person.  This could be a person that; I have a strained relationship with, I feel as though they have wronged me, or I just want to understand better.  I bring them to mind and I repeat the phrases.
This practice usually takes about 20 min.    

I haven't missed a day yet. I'm already feeling and noticing the benefits.  Non coincidentally, I received this ornament today from a client/friend.  It was an unexpected, beautiful, thoughtful gift waiting for me in my mailbox with a sweet note.  I now have it hanging in my kitchen.
As I quietly spread love throughout the year I know that I will receive love in so many ways.
I can't wait!

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