Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Shepherd of the Lakes 50th Anniversary - Grayslake Area Event Photographer

On September 30th, I had the privilege of capturing the 50th anniversary of Shepherd of the Lakes Luthern Church. (SOTL)

As a photographer for an event I expect to attend the event and do my job, I don't expect to be affected in such a deep and spiritual way by a person that I just met... more about this later. 

First, the beautiful event. 


"We thank you, Lord, for brave and believing people who planted your message in this place. We praise you for the gift of your Holy Spirit, who worked in them to gather and give order to this community, and who still sustains it...." Prayer of the Day, Pastor Kris Ferkin - current Pastor

"But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Even heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, much less this house that I have built!..." First Reading, Pastor Kenneth Johnson - 2nd Pastor of SOTL 1970-1977
"Happy are those who dwell in your house!
They will always be praising you." Psalm, Raymond Kleinhaus - 3rd pastor of SOTL 1977-1981

"Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God's sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." Second Reading - Pastor John Holm 7th Pastor of SOTL 1994-2008

"My sheep hear my voice.  I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish." Gospel - Pastor John Freed 1st Pastor of SOTL 1962-1969

The children's message given by Karen: This is your home we are your family too.


The Message was given by Bishop Wayne Miller.  "You can't have a party with out a game."  He was illustrating the point that, we have many people trying to affect our choices every day.  Who do we listen to? Is the voice we are listening to leading us in the right direction? 

The Bishop closed with this statement that echoed so powerfully in the room: "the voice of the Shepherd, who has loved you so completely - exactly as you are- is also the voice calling you to be something more than you have ever been before. And in this, sisters and brothers.... in this is the hope of the world.  Amen."

The Installation of Annette VanZeyl as Diaconal Minister

Since he gave the first word 50 years ago, Pastor John Freed gave the last word today.  His last message: "God moves in mysterious ways."  He asked us to look back into our lives and see what God has done and where God has brought us.  "God moves in mysterious ways."

A few more images of the day:


The committee who put it all together.


I went back to the church after I was done at the reception and took this one. 

SOTL community- congratulations on 50 years of dedication to faith, worship of God and service to the community!

On a personal note...

I wanted to share with all of you my deeply spiritual experience this day with Pastor Freed.  As I mentioned above Pastor Freed is the founding Pastor of SOTL.  In 1962 he started services with 40 families and held worship at the Grayslake High School cafeteria until he raised enough money in 1965 to build a church. 

I had never met Pastor Freed before the service. I asked him if I could photograph him, he said yes and asked me my name.  I told him my name is Angel and he asked me if I knew what it meant.  I responded, "Yes, it means messenger."  He grasped my arm, brought me close to him and looked deep into my eyes he said; "No, it means messenger of God."  

Before I left he prayed over me.  He asked God to bless my work.  I was so moved, I left in tears.

What a spiritual experience...  I felt God's love for me through this man... I will never forget it. 


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