Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Headstand - Grayslake Photographer and Journalist

Last week almost every night I had a dream that I lost something or it was taken from me.  First it was my phone, my purse, then my car and even one of my kiddos.  I realized that it was my Ego fighting back after I called it out.  I brought awareness of my Ego not just with Yoga but a few other things during the week.  Awareness of that internal voice brings me a new sense of who I really am. 

My Ego has formed throughout my whole life.  It is a distorted reflection of who the world says I should be, who I present to others and who I have convinced myself I am.  I am oversimplifying the word Ego... I know.  My point is it's not the devil or Satan.  A dear friend brought it to my attention that others would call this voice as such.  No, for many reasons I don't see it this way.  I don't see my world as a struggle between good and evil.  I see it as a struggle to reveal who I really am... of God... love. 

I took my struggle back to the Yoga studio.  Monday the kids were off from school so I went this morning.  A different instructor led the class and even had us facing our mats a whole different direction. 


I didn't go in feeling as intimidated. Well that is until she had us do headstands.


I was probably one of the youngest students in the class. I looked around watching these older, beautiful women bow against the wall with their forearms pressed on the floor and slowly lift their legs in the air.  They looked pretty amazing. 

Exhale... oh wait I forgot to Inhale first...

The instructor helped me out with something to start.  I put my palms on the ground and walked my feet up on the wall only a few inches higher than where my butt was in relation to the wall (not very far up the wall).  It was tough, my whole body was shaking (this is starting to become a familiar feeling) then I released. 

Don't forget to breathe. 

Anna, the instructor says; "I have one more pose.  This is where you check your Ego at the door."  That can't be good, I think.  I had to check my Ego at the door when I walked in to the place. 

Gasp in...

Her legs start spreading slowly apart, SPLITS!

Wail out...

I set this flower up for simple outdoor shot.  Then I noticed...
It had two shadows.  One shadow distorted by a window that was acting like a mirror.

One day I will post a picture of my headstand. 
Just don't hold your breath, it may take a while.  ;)

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